
Gatsby Questions

1. Who's the narrator? 2. Who's Daisy? 3. Who's Tom? 4. Who's the lady Tom is cheating with? 5. What did Tom do to Mrs. Wilson? 6. What are the rumors about Gatsby? 7. What does Gatsby call Nick? 8. Who do Nick and Gatsby meet at lunch? 9. How does Gatsby know Daisy?

I'm Ignited

Most interesting questions : 1. Why do some women choose to abort? 2. What happens to us when we die? Is there heaven or hell? 3. Why is there racism? 4. What if there was no education? 5. Is the government spying on us?

The World Is My Library

I searched up mystery novels for teens using google and found a few that I got interested in like, "Paper Towns" by John Green, "We Were Liars" by E. Lockhart, and "Two Can Keep a Secret" by Karen M. Manus. Some short stories that found are, "The Purloined Letter" and "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe. These caught my eye b/c they are mysteries and I've always preferred to read mysteries since small. While searching for novels the memories of how much I used to read came back to me and paused to think about why I stopped reading books. I used to be so interested in reading and this reminded me how I used to feel when I read the title of a book. I now want to read these novels.

American Literature

American Literature is a lot of things. To define it, the word American basically explains itself and the word literature is anything written and art. There are such things as song lyrics, texts, reports, letters, etc. One way I can contribute to American literature is by texting and having a conversation with someone.

Today I Had My Interview ....

How did I do?


This Thanksgiving I was all over the place. I kept telling myself I would catch up on some of my assignments. It was very difficult to find time, concentrate and actually do my assignments. Everyday I was in charge of the house, running errands, dropping my aunt off to work and picking her up. My siblings and I would stay at my dad's every other day. There was just so much stuff going on in my head that I couldn't even start one assignment.

First Impression: On Self-Reliance

Notes:     "Ne te quaesiveris extra"  Means: do not seek outside yourself or look awithin. "Our acts our angels are, or good or ill" Eminent- respected within a profession Conventional- what's generally done or believed  Admonition- warning "To believe your own thought, to0 believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men" Moses, Plato & Milton spoke what they thought We should trust our own instincts. Have your ideas out loud, live your ideas. Toil is a synonym for work. You are responsible for you own life. Be means do. It's about the actions we take on the world.  "Nothing is at last scared but the integrity of your own mind" Virtues- penances, consistent Person is separate than the deeds Tax on bad behavior Retained attorney   "For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure" Why is being consistent important? "To be great is to be misunders...