
Showing posts from September, 2019

My Essay Essay

The story of Young Goodman Brown was interesting to listen to and read. The story starts off with Goodman Brown leaving his wife Faith and going for a walk, which then turns into a journey. as he walked through the forest, the setting changed and he met the "devil".

The Medium Is The Message

The most appropriate communication channel/s for my communication are phone calls or talking in person. It's better for me because I can see the expression the person gets when I tell them something and I don't know if people are genuine online. I can also tell by they're voice how excited or sad they feel about what I talk about.

The Earth on Turtle's Back

This story really caught my attention when the women fell through the hole where the tree was. All of a sudden there's animals that talk and there were swans that caught the women out of the sky. It turned into a whole different setting. I really liked that it was like an upside down world. It turned out that a little animal was able to bring the earth up through the water so the women could walk. The turtle offered to carry the earth on its back. It was a nice story.

The Making of an Essay

My experience with essays is not that good. When it comes to writing one I tend to stress and lose my train of thought. I sometimes start off thinking I understand what I'm going to write about but when I think about it some more thats when I don't understand it as much anymore.